Friday, December 17, 2010

I love to see the temple we WENT there!

Miss Ivie, keeping life fun and entertaining! Love you I....EE
I must say i have the cutest nephews! look at this sweet boy!

I was so worried that her hair would not be perfect for the temple i gave El strict orders! And her and Ivie did better then i could have done it thank you!

I have the best sisters ever! thank you for helping with the kids!

look at Ivie working her magic!

My Eternal family!

Thanks to Ben being our official photographer!

We finally made it! What a great day! I was sealed to my handsome husband! ( he cant get rid of me as easy anymore!) And then they brought in my sweet baby girl and we were sealed as a family. Who could have asked for anything more? What a great plan Heavenly Father created for us! It was the best feeling to walk into those room and have it filled with family everyone that has been such a great part of mine and Nathans life. I love my family all the aunts and uncles cousins and grandmas brothers and sisters that came to support us and make that day that much more special was great! Thank you to all who came!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving fun

Holidays are always super busy for us having both families within 5 min of each other we try to hit both. This year we ate dinner at my parents which was very nice it was just my family there minus MacKenzie and her family, it was quiet and we could really enjoy every ones company and Eat Eat Eat! My mother is a great cook and the food was so delicious. The only thing that i contributed was rolls. My mother in law Cari taught me how to make her famous rolls that are so good. Ill just say they were a hit! Thanks Mamma Cari! After we went over to Eames where i got to love on my miss Ruby Ray i just love her to pieces i had to wait so long to see her. I am really trying to be her favorite aunt but i have a lot of good competition! I also got to play with my sweet Cache boy and my Crazy Harm i am so blessed to have such a great family on both sides where i love each of them so much. Nothing in life is more important then my little Niece and Nephews they just melt my heart and put a smile on my face! I love hanging out with a house full of fun girls we have to much fun together! It was another great Thanksgiving!


These two are the best of friends! It is so fun to watch them play!

I love getting together with family nothing is better then a house full of loved ones. Nathan was able to bless Saige he gave her such a beautiful blessing. Saige was not so happy we had to wake her up from her nap which in most cases she doesn't care she is pretty much happy baby all the time so i thought it was no big deal.... needless to say she surprised us all and was a GROUCH! it was a little intimidating to have all of those handsome men surround her and put their hands on her head, its a good thing the spirit was there because she screamed through the whole thing! I had a pearl necklace that i wanted her to wear for the blessing for a treasure later on, lets just say it didn't happen but we have a great story to tell about how she did not wear it, and it was still a part of the day. She is absolutely a blessing in mine and Nathans lives and everyone around her she has the sweetest spirit and most loving caring heart. And we are so glad to have her in our family.


Saige Girl was the CUTEST little cheetah around. It was a last min costume but it turned out pretty cute we had to do some last min alterations because she absolutely hated it! She was the biggest grouch so we did not get any really good pictures of her in her costume. But when we finally arrived at the trunk or treat and she figured out she was getting candy she put on a smile and loved every min of getting a bag full of treats! We went and saw Julie Nicholas after and she loved the big hound dogs she could not get enough of them! And then we went and saw Aunt Joyce. It was a great Halloween.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

O so HAPPY at the Eames house!

Were having a baby boy!

YAY YAY! I am not sure what i am going to do with out having to pick out the perfect outfit with all the accessories to match and a bow that is just perfect. But i can not wait. After a whole month of taking stupid pregnancy tests that kept telling me no but i just knew i was i waited and waited until i looked like i was going to have twins and sure enough i went to the Dr and he did the whole girl check and said i think your about 7 to 8 weeks, i was a little devastated but happy i mean i look like i was about 7 month prego, not good ( i mean i am not the cutest pregnant person my whole body gets pregnant) so he schedules me and ultrasound just in case. So Friday i went and had my ultra sound, the guy brought me back we were going to do a couple other tests to make sure the baby was healthy but didn't have a for sure due date so he said let check the baby first so he puts the jelly on my belly and then the thing (i don't know what you would call it) and put it right on the baby and you could see his perfect little body. Of course i started to cry and the Dr. laughed and he said i don't think you are 7-8 weeks you are looking more like 16! i knew it never under estimate a mothers intuition. So i asked well its a little to early to find out the sex then right, and i said well it doesn't look like it and there it was..... Were having a boy! i couldn't be more excited! to top it all off i get to redecorate two rooms Saige get to move into her big room and then Our baby boy gets the nursery room right next to mom and dads!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not a happy time for ANYONE!

So this weekend MacKenzie and the boys came down to do crafts and get some pictures of her boys, i was so excited because Riggins is such a happy baby i thought we could get o many cute ones of him smiling..... well i don't know where the baby came from but he was not happy with us at all, lets just say Teague and Saige did a better job then him and that is unheard of if you know the two monsters, the sweet happy boy was the monster so we didn't get much accomplished besides a good laugh... which ill share with you!

Im a big girl now!

So Sunday was Saiges first day of nursery. All morning and all sacrament i was so nervous and hoped she would have fun and not cry.... of all thing to be nervous for i had to say the prayer with Elder Rowe and some other visitors in sacrament meeting. my stomach was in knots. And to top it all off my primary class room is right next to the nursery. So i knew i would really have a nervous break down and just cry in front of all my kids if i heard her having a hard time in there. So sacrament gets over, we start walking to the room and she sees the toys as we open the door and got a smile on her face i handed her over to Sis. VanLuvan and she started to play with the puzzles, didn't even think twice about me leaving.... as a mother i am very very sad that she didn't even care that i was gone... but also very happy i didn't have to go two full hours of listening to her scream right next door.

Sorry about the picture of her i had Nathan take it and of course Sunday is my day off i don't make my bed he gets in the background sorry. i really am not a slob.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


What a crazy weekend with family reunion's, Harmans,Eames, and some of my family down for the 4Th. O how i love having family down it is my favorite. To feel every ones love and spirits. And the family keep getting bigger we keep getting blessed with more and more sweet sweet spirits. On top of everything else i lucked out and got to have Jess and Ben and their boys stay at my house, we really were never here because it was so busy. But we had so much fun those boys make me laugh so hard i just love them. Riggins blessing was on Sunday also Kyle did and excellent job. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger. He needs to stop or she is going to have to have another one for me to love on! here are some pictures

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Childhood Dreams

As a young girl i had the best daddy that bought me my own horse. His name was Buck he was my best friend we would go riding out through the cows almost every day, did i think i was the coolest cowgirl around! My horse hated a bridal saddle anything so i would just ride him bare back throw some bailing twine around his neck and head out. Only to find one day he was gone, we had a bad thunder storm one night he had gotten spooked and kicked threw one of the barns and broke his leg. I was so devastated and didn't want anything to do with horses after that. My biggest dream was to barrel race to this day my favorite part of a rodeo most cant stand or that's when they go get treats. But as my horse that didn't like a saddle and just had baling twine i don't think my dream was to promising on him anyways. As Nathan got a wild hair, and found some horses i told him he was crazy you cant give horses away right now with the economy, how are we going to feed these horses. But deep down my love for horses couldn't say no anymore. That's OK we don't have to eat right we don't need running water or place to live..... We both gave in and got a couple horses. (but lets just say we got really good deals.....) We have one Registered Mare with the cutest Phillie. That will be Nathan and Saiges horses, While i got my Wyatt. I might be like the cat ladies when it comes to horses. I love this guy so much when i get on him he takes little steps and takes care of me it is so funny to watch but when i want to run and get going he gets a little temper because he doesn't want to run with me on him. So if your ever trying to find me I'm down with my horses just don't look at my house now because i don't take the time to clean it now every second i have i go down with the horses.