Last night Lilly was starting to act really weird, if we looked at her she would act like she had done something very naughty, Nate was worried she was shaking digging and hiding giving us all the signs,so he took her temperature and sure enough it had dropped, which means you will have puppies with in the next 13 hours she wasted no time and had 5 puppies by midnight. Me being very jealous but at the same time thankful i was not going through it quit yet... i was warn out and went to bed around 2:00 but Nathan being a good daddy stayed up all night with her and when i woke up to my surprise we had 9 black healthy puppies. But the more i think about this we sure are going to have our hands full with puppies and a baby (to late to back out now)....
Livin the life take 2
13 years ago