As a young girl i had the best daddy that bought me my own horse. His name was Buck he was my best friend we would go riding out through the cows almost every day, did i think i was the coolest cowgirl around! My horse hated a bridal saddle anything so i would just ride him bare back throw some bailing twine around his neck and head out. Only to find one day he was gone, we had a bad thunder storm one night he had gotten spooked and kicked threw one of the barns and broke his leg. I was so devastated and didn't want anything to do with horses after that. My biggest dream was to barrel race to this day my favorite part of a rodeo most cant stand or that's when they go get treats. But as my horse that didn't like a saddle and just had baling twine i don't think my dream was to promising on him anyways. As Nathan got a wild hair, and found some horses i told him he was crazy you cant give horses away right now with the economy, how are we going to feed these horses. But deep down my love for horses couldn't say no anymore. That's OK we don't have to eat right we don't need running water or place to live..... We both gave in and got a couple horses. (but lets just say we got really good deals.....) We have one Registered Mare with the cutest Phillie. That will be Nathan and Saiges horses, While i got my Wyatt. I might be like the cat ladies when it comes to horses. I love this guy so much when i get on him he takes little steps and takes care of me it is so funny to watch but when i want to run and get going he gets a little temper because he doesn't want to run with me on him. So if your ever trying to find me I'm down with my horses just don't look at my house now because i don't take the time to clean it now every second i have i go down with the horses.
Livin the life take 2
13 years ago