Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dirt + Water = Mud Which= TO MUCH FUN!

I was so excited to get my Teague boy yesterday and today because my mom had to work so as a last resort they let me have him for a day pictures below shows why I am always the last resort. The day started out with McDonalds happy meals, Story Book Park, Walmart to get shovels and buckets to play in the dirt. The original plan was to go home and plant some flowers but one to many stops later with 2 kids we could not find any flowers. So we went home and i decided i would work in the garden they were innocently playing around the garden with their new toys they were so excited about. A little later i heard a squeal from my little girl that is supposed to not like dirt or anything like that she should have been picking flowers and chasing butterflies, but no she must take after her mom or has one to many boy cousin ( Aunt natalie get that baby here fast!) And found a very small mud puddle in the drive way so Teague boy thought it looked fun they were just jumping around in and running through it so i thought it was cute got my camera took some pictures to later find this....

I think they must be jelous.... I let them have to much fun


  1. I couldn't stop laughing at all of those pictures! They are such cute kids!

  2. I'm pretty sure I see a dirt bubble coming out of my sons nose!! Can you imagine the troulbe these two are going to cause? I'm also positive that you are NEVER the last resort, and simply the first!! And this poves why!! You are the best AUNTIE!

  3. Makes me laugh...You just needed Jayda with you that day she would have been right in the middle of that....I just want to know if it was fun cleaning them up LOL give them kisses for me

  4. And they ended the day with a nice warm bubble bath I'm sure. Way to go-letting them have fun. I love how they are dipping their heads in it. Funny kids.

  5. This is makes me smile soooo big!
